Massive apartment complex and Beacon of Light Center begin construction.
Commercial and multi-family apartment construction continues to transform south Columbia, with Springbrook Park Apartments now beginning to build a 352-unit complex just north of the Veterans United headquarters off State Farm Parkway.
Seven, four-story apartment buildings, each with a valuation of $7.32 million and each comprising 47,450-square-feet, are among the building permits issued in November by the Columbia Building and Site Development office. The builder is Intrinsic Development LLC. The apartment buildings are off State Farm Parkway and Ledger Drive.
The project also includes seven parking buildings, each with a valuation of $515,369.

Springbrook Park highlights a busy building permit report for the city and Boone County. The city issued ninety-nine building permits with a combined valuation of $84,699,170 and the Boone County Resource Management office issued sixty-six building permits with an aggregate valuation of $10,936,890. Together, the total valuation of the combined 165 building permits is $95.6 million.
The city of Columbia’s building permit breakdown includes:
- Commercial addition: 1 permit, $253,746 valuation.
- Residential addition: 6 permits, $414,840.
- Commercial alteration: 3 permits, $1 million.
- Residential alterations: 8 permits, $143,084.
- Pool: 1 permit, $51,880.
- Commercial infill: 1 permit, $400,000.
- Commercial multi-family: 9 permits, $81.7 million.
- Deck only: 8 permits, $108,743.
- Reroof: 25 permits, $394,254.
- Single family detached: 22 permits, $10.61 million.
- Townhouse: 6 permits, $2.15 million.
Other permit highlights include:
A $6 million community center in north Columbia — the Beacon of Light Center — will be located at 1801 Towne Drive. The center will be operated by United Community Builders and will have a multipurpose room to be used as a gymnasium and for religious gatherings, as well as a two-story education wing. Coil Construction Inc. is the builder.
Another phase of improvements to the city’s water treatment plant at 6851 W. Route K near McBaine. Bowen Engineering is the contractor for the $253,746 project.
Construction of A Good Start Preschool and related site improvements got the green light at 10 Grace Lane. The permit lists a valuation of $913,651 for the 4,711 square foot project. Professional Contractors and Engineers is the builder. The permit lists Joanne Williams as the property owner.
Reinhardt Construction LLC is the contractor for interior renovations of Suite 101 and 103 at 2801 Woodard Drive. The renovations will make the space ready for office occupancy. The building permit lists of project valuation of $450,000.
Interior renovation of the northeast portion of the second floor of the original Shelter Insurance building at 1817 W. Broadway will provide new enclosed offices and open office cubicles. The 10,682 square foot project has a valuation of $400,000. Don Prose is the general contractor.
The Evans and Dixon LLC law firm is listed as the tenant for a commercial infill project at 3621 Discovery Parkway Suite 107. Discovery Development LLC is the builder. The $400,000 project is for infill of an existing non-occupied space.
Four townhouses will be built by Linkside at Old Hawthorne off Murano Way and two townhouses built by Beacon Street Homes will be built off Napa Court at Vintage Falls.
A $2.8 million project encompassing 18,900 square feet will create a three-story, twenty-four-unit apartment building at 2100 Corona Road, at The Lofts at Cherry Hill. THM Construction LLC is the builder.
The Boone County November building permit report includes:
- Single family residential: 12 permits, $5.96 million.
- Industrial building: 1 permit, $2 million.
- Stores/mercantile building: 1 permit, $650,000.
- Other nonresidential: 9 permits, $515,755.
- Other structures: 12 permits, $658,718.
- Residential additions and alterations: 9 permits, $498,815.
- Nonresidential additions and alterations: 1 permit, $27,648.
- Residential garages: 6 permits, $577,380.
- Miscellaneous: 15 permits, $23,574.
The county building permit highlights include:
A mixed storage facility at 5051 S. Providence. MBK Investments LLC is the manager for the $650,000 project.
Questec is the owner and contractor for a $2 million fabrication shop off E. Boone Industrial Dr. in north Columbia.
The top-dollar single family home is a $2 million structure off S. Adelaide Court. Block Construction is the builder.
Main photo: Reinhardt Construction LLC of Columbia is the general contractor for a $15 million expansion of the Columbia Area Career Center at 4203 S. Providence, located next to Rock Bridge High School. The new wing will be open to students in August 2025. Crockett Engineering of Columbia is the project engineer. The project was among construction items approved by voters in 2022.The electrical contractor is Kaiser Electric of Central Missouri, which is based in Jefferson City. CACC provides Columbia Public Schools students and students from other districts with career and technical education programs. Photo—Jodie Jackson Jr