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PYSK: Tracy Lane

Tracy Lane

Executive Director, Thumper Productions

AGE: 39

JOB DESCRIPTION: To bring live music events to Columbia that truly connect the artists and the audience in an unforgettable experience.



EDUCATION: University of Missouri and The School of Rock

COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT: Strong advocate and supporter of The Shelter, and I am working fervently to turn Boone County National Bank’s concept of giving the gift of a music festival to our community into an annual tradition.

PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND: I spent the first half of the ‘90s managing The Blue Note. The second half, I co-owned and operated a concert production company in Oklahoma City with my long-time friend Daryle Bascom. I then opted to put the music world aside to become a mother. I served as marketing director of Oklahoma City’s entertainment news weekly, The Oklahoma Gazette, for two years, but I’ve spent most of this decade in advertising sales at the Columbia Daily Tribune. The Tribune was a great opportunity to reconnect with the city I love, while also offering the flexibility to put my daughter first. I was offered my current position in January of this year, am enjoying every moment of it and still manage to keep Lane as my highest priority.

A COLUMBIA BUSINESSPERSON I ADMIRE AND WHY: Colleen Coble. She has devoted her life to improving the lives of women and children throughout Missouri through MCADSV. There is no one else I have greater respect and admiration for and no one I could be more proud to know.

WHY I’M PASSIONATE ABOUT MY JOB: I really feel I’ve come full circle in this position. I have loved music for as long as I can remember. When I was in kindergarten, my dad told me that my records were going to melt because they were made of wax and were getting hot from too many hours spinning on the turntable. I was fortunate enough go to work for Richard King and promote concerts in my early 20s. Back then, it meant late nights and smoky bars, so it didn’t make sense after I had my daughter. This position offers balance between the two things I love most in the world: my daughter and music.

IF I WEREN’T DOING THIS FOR A LIVING, I WOULD: love to be a music editor for the film industry. So many times I’ve sat in a movie theatre and thought, “No way; the perfect song for this scene would be…” But then I couldn’t live in Columbia, and I love it here.

BIGGEST CAREER OBSTACLE I’VE OVERCOME AND HOW: Public speaking. I get so emotional when I talk about things I’m truly passionate about. When I first started giving presentations about the festival and what we were trying to accomplish, back at the beginning of the year, I’d find myself choking back tears wondering if anybody felt the way I felt about this project. But now, with the support and enthusiasm I’ve received from everyone – the city, the district, the BCNB staff, the public-I have this incredible feeling of strength in the continuity among all the individuals involved in helping me to make this happen.

A FAVORITE RECENT PROJECT: Thumper’s first event, Carolina Chocolate Drops Fourth of July Picnic in Forrest Rose Park. We accomplished so much in that day. The date was confirmed with little time for promotion and on a holiday; it was a risk. But it turned out to be exactly what I had envisioned. It was beautiful. All ages and all walks of life gathered together for some classic Americana music, eating watermelon and blowing bubbles. The bands had young and old dancing under the shady trees all afternoon. And we dedicated that shady, grassy lot to our dearly departed friend and music enthusiast, Forrest Rose. It was the perfect way to let Columbia know what to expect from Thumper.

WHAT PEOPLE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THIS PROFESSION: There is a wealth of amazing music being created all over the place that never gets airplay. If you don’t think you’re that into music, I think you’ve just not explored all the options. I do not believe there is a soul who is not moved by music.

WHAT I DO FOR FUN: I love to read and write. There’s a great novel in me that I hope to publish one day. Biographies, psychology, sociology and theology are my favorite topics. I joined a book club this year because I’ve never read fiction – I’m trying to branch out. It’s working; I’ve added A Tree Grows In Brooklyn to my all-time favorites list, although it’s kind of a fictionalized biography.

FAMILY: My daughter, Lane Bascom, is 9 years


FAVORITE PLACE IN COLUMBIA: My home. I’m very much a homebody. The Blue Note-so many memories there.

ACCOMPLISHMENT I’M MOST PROUD OF: When I met my friend Daryle, he had a daughter, Brittany, who was 9 at the time. She is now 22 and one of the most wonderful people I know. I am so proud to have contributed to the person she’s grown into. My greatest wish in life is that I will accomplish that with Lane, as well.

MOST PEOPLE DON’T KNOW THAT I: am afraid of balloons, please don’t ever send them to me. They frighten me. I won the silver for running the 2400m at the state track meet in 1984. Who would guess? I haven’t exercised since the ‘80s.

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