New Business Update: Any Lab Test Now

Any Lab Test Now
Forum Shopping Center

Any Lab Test Now started operating in Columbia two months ago, but is holding the celebration of its opening next week. The company has more than 70 locations in the United States, and the franchise is owned by Ali Bazzi and Don Schunk of St. Louis.

Any Lab Test Now provides more than 1,500 types of medical tests. Without making an appointment, customers can walk in and be tested for high blood pressure, blood sugar, pregnancy or almost any other standard medical test.

Bazzi said it is often cheaper to be tested at Any Lab Test Now than to have those tests conducted at a hospital or doctor’s office. He hopes to work with local doctors so they’ll refer patients to Any Lab Test Now for tests while the franchise refers customers to doctors.

The clinic has two employees. Dr. Geoffrey Newcomb, the clinic director, has put together a wellness screening package that tests cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar, electrolytes, height, weight, body-mass index and blood pressure, among other basic tests. The lab will also offer flu shots.

Newcomb said business is picking up and customers have included private individuals, patients referred by physicians and employees sent by businesses for drug screening.

“There’s been a movement toward consumer-driven medicine,” Newcomb said. “We’re a very new concept. We’re getting out into the public psyche.”

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