2) Artlandish Gallery: 1019 E. Walnut St.,
(573) 442-2999, www.artlandishgallery.com
3) Bluestem Missouri Crafts: 13 S. Ninth St.,
(573) 442-0211, www.bluestemmissouricrafts.com
4) Boone County National Bank: 720 E. Broadway, (573) 874-8535
5) Columbia Art League Gallery:
207 S. Ninth St., (573) 443-8838,
6) Craft Studio Gallery: 518 Hitt St., room N12,
(573) 882-2889, craftstudio.missouri.edu
7) Davis Art Gallery: Corner of Walnut and Ripley streets, (573) 876-7233, www.stephens.edu/news/stephensevents/finearts
8) George Caleb Bingham Gallery: A126 Fine Arts Center, corner of Hitt Street and University Avenue, (573) 882-3555, binghamgallery.missouri.edu
9) Historic Costume Gallery: Lela Raney Wood Hall, mezzanine level, 6 N. College Avenue, (573) 876-7233, www.stephens.edu/campuslife/researchlibrary
10) Landmark Bank: 801 E. Broadway,
(573) 449-3911
11) Missouri Art Gallery: 9 N. 10th St.,
(573) 443-5010
12) The Montminy Gallery, 3801 Ponderosa Ave., (573) 443-8936, www.boonehistory.org/attractions/montminy-art-gallery
13) Museum of Anthropology: 100 Swallow Hall, near the corner of Ninth Street and University Avenue, (573) 882-3573, anthromuseum.missouri.edu
14) Museum of Art and Archaeology: 1 Pickard Hall, near the corner of Ninth Street and University Avenue, (573) 882-3591, maa.missouri.edu
15) North Village Studios: 1019 E. Walnut St.,
(573) 442-2999, www.site.artlandishgallery.com/village_art_studios.html
16) Orchids and Art: 10 W. Nifong Blvd., Ste. B,
(573) 875-5989, www.kellycoalier.com
17) Orr Street Studios: 106 Orr St., (573) 875-4304, www.orrstreetstudios.com
18) Poppy: 920-922 E. Broadway, (573) 442-3223, www.poppyarts.com
19) PS:Gallery: 812 E. Broadway, (573) 442-4831, www.perlow-stevensgallery.com
20) Pure Gallery: 504 E. Broadway, (573) 256-2656, www.pureimaginggroup.com
21) Sidney Larson Gallery: Brown Hall, 608 Cougar Drive, (573) 875-7517, www.ccis.edu/departments/arts/larsongallery/larsongallery.html
22) The State Historical Society of Missouri:
1012 Lowry St., Hitt Street side of Ellis Library,
(573) 882-7083, http://shs.umsystem.edu/index.shtml
List material provided by the Columbia Convention and Visitor’s Bureau