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Thursday, March 6, 2025

2018’s 20 Under 40: Valerie Zumwalt, Show Me Leaders

Valerie Zumwalt

Founder, Show Me Leaders (Recently rebranded from CoMo Leaders)

Age: 35


Limerick, Pennsylvania.

Years lived in Columbia:


Tell us about your job:

I create leadership growth experiences and opportunities that profoundly impact the lives of people that attend and businesses that invest.

Who is a mentor in your life and how have they impacted you?

Loriana Sekarski, of BONSAI, coached me through starting the business and the first year. She encouraged me to be bold about taking the business full-time and has been overly generous with her business-savvy advice as I’ve made several pivots.

What are some misconceptions about your job?

Most people think that I’m event planner, and I am, but my most important role is adding value to people. While events are an important part of the business, Show Me Leaders is ultimately a leadership growth company. I believe that each person that engages with the company is there for a reason, and it’s my responsibility to raise their awareness of their potential.

What was the last professional goal you accomplished?

To find a way to expand beyond events and beyond Columbia. Getting certified as a speaker, trainer, and coach with the John Maxwell Team opened up those opportunities.

What motivates you?

Building leaders worth following.

What is the single biggest lesson you’ve learned in business?

It’s harder to get someone to give you the time on their calendar than the money in their wallet.

What is one business goal you have for 2018 and how do you plan to achieve it?

To re-position the company so that it’s not limited to Columbia  or limited to events. Re-branding to Show Me Leaders is the first step. We’ve already had successful events in the St. Louis and Springfield markets and will continue to expand in those areas. Events will still be a cornerstone of the business, but adding speaking, training, and coaching between events is our next step for growth. We’ll add Leadercast St. Louis and a Working Mom’s Summit this year as well.

If you could improve one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I’m currently working on being more intentional to deliberately pursue significance.

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