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Friday, February 7, 2025

2020 20 Under 40: Camille Roland

Social Services Clinic Specialist, City of Columbia

Camille was in fast food and retail before she started at the City of Columbia, where she worked the front desk for the WIC program. Within six months, she was promoted. She is now in her third position with the city, serving as the social services clinic specialist.

“My job is fulfilling and rewarding,” Camille says. “Our clinic offers referrals for clothing vouchers, as well as prenatal case management and support. We also have a prescription assistance program and a utility assistance program.”

Camille says the clinic is often faced with challenges from serving a low-income population with limited resources, and they have to adapt and change gears between clients.

“We could have an ecstatic prenatal client one minute, and 10 minutes later, we could have someone in deep crisis,” Camille shares. “People come and see us for all sorts of needs.”

In addition to being very involved with her work, Camille has volunteered at True North for eight years, facilitating life skills courses and answering the crisis hotline.

“When Camille speaks of her volunteer work, her entire face smiles,” says Environmental Public Health Supervisor Kala Wekenborg-Tomka. “She is passionate about helping others and the ability to be involved within the community.”

Camille’s life is guided by the values she sees in others and the values she needs from others. These include open-mindedness, flexibility, honesty, consistency, and humility. She is motivated by the people she spends time with, especially her nephew, Zen.

“Hang with people that cheer for you harder than you cheer for yourself,” Camille says. “It has been life changing.”

If Camille could improve one thing about herself, she would be easier on herself and compliment herself more. In 2020, Camille hopes to learn sign language and the bus routes in order to better serve her clients. She also plans to write more, build her personal brand, and make fear her friend.

Pride Fest is one of Camille’s favorite community activities, and she also enjoys Art in the Park. “Columbia is just a beautiful melting pot of awesome people, places, and things,” Camille says. “I love the way the community comes together.”

Age: 39

Fun Fact: Camille has been writing poetry since she was 12.

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