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PYSK: Troy Greer

Troy Greer

Chief Executive Officer, Boone Health


It’s complicated. I’m from a military family and was born in England, but I proudly consider Huntsville, Alabama, my “home.”

Years lived in Columbia

I’ve been here for two months, and I’m loving it!

Job description

Improve the health of the people
and communities we serve.

Professional background

I’ve served 23 years as a health care leader. I most recently served as the CEO of Lovelace Medical Center and the Heart Hospital of New Mexico in Albuquerque and have had senior health care leadership roles in Jacksonville and Houston.

Quote you live by

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” That’s from 1 Peter 4:10.

Favorite volunteer/ Community activity

We’re new to Columbia, but I’m excited to have already joined the REDI board. We were very involved in Make-A-Wish New Mexico before relocating. My wife and I are excited to get involved in Columbia! 

Favorite recent project

Favorite recent project: I am loving the process of creating an independent Boone Hospital.

A Columbia business person you admire and why

Dr. Jerry Kennett. Dr. Kennett is dedicated to his patients, Boone Health, and this community. He treated me and my family incredibly well throughout the search process and relocation.

Why you are passionate
about your job

It is a blessing to work in a health care setting. We see countless examples of passionate caregivers, providers, and team members serving the needs of others.

Why you are passionate
about your organization

I believe in Boone. It has an amazing culture and provides health care services that are world-class. It’s a privilege to be here and to lead this organization.

What people should know
about your profession

We are passionate professionals dedicated to the organizations we are privileged to lead and the communities we serve.  

The next challenge
facing your industry

Like everyone else, we’re facing the impact of COVID-19, which has been significant for health care. Beyond the virus, we must work to create a much better patient-centered experience while ensuring the highest levels of quality, service, and value. 

Your next professional goal

Ensure that Boone Health makes a successful transition into independence.  

Biggest lesson learned in business

Relationships can never be underestimated. Good relationships improve the probability of working through challenges.

How you want to impact
the Columbia community

I want to ensure health care continues to be a resource for continued growth in the greater Columbia community. On a personal level, I want to share a servant’s heart and find ways of helping at-risk community members.  

Greatest strength


Greatest weakness


What you do for fun

I am an avid snowboarder and love my time in the mountains.


My wife, Mandy, and I will celebrate 25 years of marriage this January. We have a 23-year-old son, Caldwell, and a 21-year-old daughter, Victoria.  

Favorite place in Columbia

Rock Bridge Memorial State Park.

Accomplishment you are most proud of

Raising two children to be young adults who want to serve others. One is in the Army, while the other is hoping to go to medical school.

Most people don’t know that you

I am an introvert. Although I enjoy public speaking and getting to know others, I enjoy quiet times of reflection and thought. 

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