Superintendent, Columbia Public Schools
Job description
The superintendent is responsible for implementing the school board’s vision by making day-to-day decisions about various programs, spending, staff, and facilities. The superintendent must be able to use the financial and human resources of the district to achieve the best results for student outcomes.
Professional background
I have served in education for over 30 years. I started my career as a high school tennis coach and science teacher. During the course of my career, I have been an assistant principal, elementary principal, secondary principal, assistant superintendent for academics and human resources, assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction, and chief operations officer.
Trinidad & Tobago.
Years lived in Columbia
3 weeks.
Quote you live by
“Scholars first.”
Favorite volunteer/community activity
Volunteering to serve those less fortunate in various activities.
Favorite recent project
In my previous district, I led projects resulting in construction of a performing arts center and elementary, middle, and high school buildings.
Why you are passionate about your job
I thrive in the success of my scholars — being able to bring about change by taking scholars from seeing impossibilities to achieving their dreams.
Why you are passionate about your company
Columbia Public Schools is a place where staff care about scholars and each other. The word “family” means a lot in CPS.
If you weren’t doing this for a living, you would
I would be positively impacting the lives of scholars somewhere.
A Columbia businessperson you admire and why
Dr. Peter Stiepleman. He was an outstanding superintendent with lots of passion and commitment for the success of all scholars.
What people should know about your profession
I am a servant-leader who is passionate about scholar outcomes and accomplishments.
The next challenge facing your industry
Building a strong post-COVID environment where scholars will flourish.
Your next professional goal
To continue to grow a school culture that puts scholars first.
Biggest lesson learned in business
People will always remember how you made them feel.
How you want to impact the Columbia community
I want to build strong community relationships in the Columbia community with scholars graduating and contributing to a strong workforce.
Greatest strength
Building bridges with people and always being able to bring out the best in others.
Greatest weakness
Not accepting mediocrity when it comes to our scholars. We must always give our best.
What you do for fun
Reading and watching sporting events.
A beautiful wife, Tina, who is a registered nurse with two amazing children.
Favorite place in Columbia
Accomplishment you are most proud of
Being able to lead my previous school district from an F to a B in three years while serving as the assistant superintendent for academics and accountability.
Most people don’t know that you
Enjoy flying single engine planes.