Latest Issue

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Josh Blackman

Commercial Loan Officer, The Bank of Missouri

Josh has never taken any opportunity for granted.

“From food service as a young man to IT, sales, to ministry, each job opportunity has shaped me into a better colleague and community member. I have had the privilege of exploring a wide range of career opportunities over the years,” Josh says. “My experience in banking has helped me create an eclectic toolbox of skills, ranging from leadership, sales, and developing administrative systems to team building, marketing, and community involvement. The thing I am most proud of though is being able to help people and businesses in our community every day.” 

Outside of banking, Josh has a sincere interest in local nonprofit organizations and currently serves on the City of Refuge and Young Life boards of directors.

“I love being able to use my time and my experience to help great organizations in our city thrive. In 2022, I completed the Chamber of Commerce Leadership class,” he says. “Over the course of several months, I got to know many leaders in our community, experience different sectors of business and build relationships with my classmates.” 

When asked what he would do to make Columbia a better place, Josh says, “Encourage more people to spend their time, talents, and treasures at some of the amazing nonprofits we have in Columbia. As the needs in our community are met, our community will thrive.”

Friend and coworker, Geoff Karr, says, “Josh is a friend more than a coworker. He has spent his career helping others, both in the financial space (The Bank of Missouri) as well as the religious space (The Crossing). I believe Josh is the perfect candidate for this award because he is a giver. He gives his time being a connector, shares his wisdom as a mentor, and provides his home as a space for youth small groups. He never expects anything in return.”

Josh realizes it takes a village and gives a lot of praise to a few mentors he has had during his journey to get to where he is today, but gives most of the credit to his wife.

“My wife, Kelsey, is truly my better half. She is loving and fair. She has always graciously pushed me to be a better version of myself and grow in helping those around me. I would not be where I am today without her love and support,” he says. 

Most people have to put a lot of time and consideration into what their guiding life principles are, however, Josh’s answer comes quickly and easily: “My life is guided by my faith in Christ. Decisions in both my personal life and career are influenced by doing right by those around me and seeing them flourish. Banking has allowed me to balance my faith and work hand-in-hand. I am able to help people as a business partner and friend.”

Age: 37

Pet Peeve: A reply-all email when a reply to sender would have sufficed.

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