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A Note from the Publisher – The More the Merrier!

Erica Pefferman

What a fun topic for us to write about! I love food. I mean, I really love food. I like trying new things and like pretty much everything … even sweet potatoes and beets if they are prepared a certain way. I like cooking for people and consider it one of the ways I do best to nurture people.

One of the things I love the most about Columbia is the multitude of independently owned restaurants, coffee shops, and bars that give our fair city such a fun and unique vibe. One of the things I love most about my job is getting to sit in those same places with my clients and community stakeholders over coffee or wine or delicious food and talk about their dreams and goals for their own businesses or initiatives. There is something about that kind of environment that really helps create a conversation that is authentic, engaging, and leads to great ideas.  

I think the primary reason I’m so drawn to meeting in those kinds of environments is that connecting over food was a big way my family showed love to each other. Every holiday or family event called for its own menu and traditions. I learned to cook from my Nana and still make her recipes to this day. No holiday is complete without Nana’s noodles or dressing. She was also very southern and taught me how to make Cajun food. If I make gumbo or étouffée for you, I really like you.  

I think big family meals are the best — which is a good thing considering I have five of my own children. Add in a couple of significant others and a new grandbaby and we no longer fit around my kitchen table. Being able to cook for them is now the absolute best it can get for me. I’m finally that mom that answers the question of what I want for my birthday/Christmas with “Just all of you here with me at one time.” With all but one out of the house, sharing a meal with all of them in attendance is rare. But when we do get together, it’s all about the food and which one of them gets their favorite meal made. It’s also fun to watch them become adults and want to make the same recipes for their own little families. I love getting the texts “Momma, how do I make (fill in the blank)?” They are usually standing in an aisle at the grocery store waiting for me to send the ingredients list and directions. I have started keeping them as notes in my phone. Want my white chicken chili recipe? Copy, paste, send. Bam! There you go. Love you!  

I want to leave you with this: who are you making space and time to share meals with? Is it your family? Is it your chosen family (a.k.a. those friends that can often be even closer than family)? Do you ask that phones be put away so you can use it as a true connecting point? Who haven’t you seen in a while? Text them and make time for a cuppa. Call them and offer to cook. Email someone and see if a night at Murry’s is what’s in store.

This is a time of year that can be emotional and overwhelming for many. Check on those you love …especially those that seem to not need it. Ask them how they are really doing and sip your coffee and listen while they lean in and share. Enjoy your holidays and let me know if you want that white chicken chili recipe! 

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