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Are You Taking Time To Do … Nothing?

Erica Pefferman

When planning this issue, it was important for us to think through all forms of health and wellness: physical, relational, mental, financial, etc. During this process it really struck me that I personally was in need of paying attention to my own health. Following the most stressful year in business in 2022 and having faced some health challenges of my own, I was guilty of not taking time out of the office in a meaningful way all of 2023. I felt that it was such a critical time in our company of change and evolution that I just simply couldn’t afford the time and that it would be detrimental to the company if I did. However, I did end up taking two and a half weeks off in December, and it was glorious.

As I usually do, I made a list of things I wanted to get done around the house, three books I wanted to read, cards to mail, and some software integration work that I had been putting off all year. I’m pleased to tell you that I did none of that. I didn’t even dust my house. But I did spend an amazing amount of time with my kids, people I love, and working on a new hobby of mine. For the actual first time in my life as a business owner, I truly turned it all off. I did have anxiety about it initially but was able to shed those pesky feelings. And the truth is, the business ran fine without me, and I genuinely came back refreshed and recharged. Here are the truths I am taking with me into 2024 about taking time off.  

Vacations are vital for maintaining mental and emotional well-being. The incessant demands of running a business often lead to stress, burnout, and a decline in overall mental health which I myself have experienced. Taking a vacation offers a respite from the daily grind, allowing us to unwind, relax, and recharge our batteries. Stepping away from the usual responsibilities enables me to clear my mind, alleviate stress, and return with renewed focus and enthusiasm. 

Vacations facilitate a work-life balance that is crucial for sustained success. Continuous work without breaks can lead to strained personal relationships, deteriorating health, and a general sense of dissatisfaction. Taking time off encourages us to spend quality moments with our family and friends, engaging in activities that bring joy and fulfillment. This balance not only enhances personal happiness but also leads to increased productivity and creativity when we return to work. 

From a business standpoint, vacations provide an opportunity for reflection and fresh perspectives. Stepping back from the daily operations allows me time to evaluate the business from a distance. This can and often does lead to new insights, innovative ideas, and the identification of areas for improvement that might have been overlooked in the midst of everyday hustle.  

Furthermore, taking vacations foster a culture of trust and empowerment within the company. Delegating responsibilities to capable employees during our absence not only demonstrates confidence in our team but also provides them with opportunities to showcase their skills and take on more significant roles. This empowerment leads to a more motivated and engaged workforce, enhancing overall productivity and promoting a sense of ownership among employees. 

Lastly, taking vacations sets a positive example for the entire organization. It shows that prioritizing personal well-being and relaxation is not only acceptable but necessary. This, in turn, encourages employees to take their vacations without guilt, promoting a healthier work culture where everyone understands the importance of downtime. This is a value we plan to promote heavily moving forward. Gone are the days of being a martyr for not taking time off in our company.  

I hope you have fun things planned in 2024 and find time to be the best version of yourself for your business, family, friends, and most importantly … for you.

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