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PYSK: Laird Veatch

Laird Veatch

Director of Athletics, University of Missouri

Job description: Oversight, direction, and support of all Intercollegiate Athletics programs, coaches, staff, and student-athletes for the University of Missouri.  

Professional background: A 25-year veteran of intercollegiate athletics administration in the Big 12 and Southeastern Conference, at Florida, Texas, Kansas State, Memphis, Iowa State, and now Mizzou. 

Hometown: Manhattan, Kansas 

Years lived in Columbia: 1997-2002 and 2003-2006.  

Quote you live by: “Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is His good, acceptable and perfect will.” Romans 12:2.  

Favorite volunteer/community activity: Anything supporting underprivileged children.  

Favorite recent project: Moving back to Columbia, MO!  

A Columbia businessperson you admire and why: Richard Miller because of his unwavering, humble, and generous commitment to the people and programs in Missouri.  

Why you are passionate about your job: Because it brings together and connects so many people from different walks of life and has a broad-based, big-picture impact on the entire university community and state of Missouri.  

If you weren’t doing this for a living, you would: I enjoy building, so it would likely be some type of real estate development.  

When you have competing priorities (and, yeah, we know that’s usually ALL the time), how do you prioritize your priorities? I plan a lot, starting every day, week, and month. I focus on and reassess my top personal and professional priorities on a regular basis. I also try to keep things simple and focus first on faith, family, and the people in my life (friends, co-workers, and customers).  

What people should know about your profession: It can be crazy and challenging (especially in this “modern era” of college athletics) but it is unbelievably rewarding, particularly if you’re a competitor and also love people.  

The next challenge facing your industry: I suppose this answer is fairly obvious; the continued evolution of college athletics and the demands and opportunities associated with revenue-sharing with student-athletes.  

Your next professional goal: Maximize this incredible opportunity with Mizzou Athletics!  

Biggest lesson learned in business: There is nothing more important or more powerful than genuine, trusting relationships.  

Greatest strength: I want to believe it’s an ability to truly connect with people to build and retain trusting relationships. I also like to think I’m a good strategic thinker and work well with a team of people to turn challenges into opportunities.  

Greatest weakness: I can tend to be naïve, so I’ve had to learn the value of a “healthy level of skepticism” at times.  

What you do for fun: Spend time with family and friends, preferably outdoors.  

Who makes up your family: I like to think there are “inner circles and wider circles” to family. My closest inner circle is Jesus and my wife, Brandy. Next of course are my children Dru, Sydney, Taylor, and Jordyn (and recently her husband, Trent). I’ve been blessed with incredible parents, Chuck and Fran, along with my big brother Matt. From there the circles widen with extended family, close friends, current and former co-workers, and now the Mizzou Family again!  

Favorite place in COMO: The parking lots around Memorial Stadium on a football game day. 

How you want to impact the Columbia community: I truly believe that a highly successful (i.e., winning) and well-run athletics program can and will have an incredibly positive impact on not only the University of Missouri, but also the Columbia community and entire state of Missouri.  

Accomplishment you are most proud of: Seeing my children grow up to be amazing young people with strong faith, real values, and leadership qualities (thanks primarily to their mother).  

Most people don’t know that you: I was born with a birth defect that required my legs to be in a brace for several months early in life. Fortunately, there were no long-term effects and I turned out to be a fairly good athlete!

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