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PYSK: Ed Scavone

Ed Scavone

President and CEO, Central Bank of Boone County

Professional background:After my military service, I started in banking at Central. Started as an auditor, then spent 20 years in lending before being named President at Central Bank of Boone County four years ago. 

Hometown: Born in NYC but COMO is definitely my hometown.   

Years lived in Columbia: 47 years less eight spent away in the Navy.  

Favorite volunteer/community activity: Much time spent doing various boards and community fundraising activities but really try to do eighty hours a year with city park volunteer activities. I enjoy the physical outdoor work.  

Favorite recent project: I have many small projects going all the time. We just did a major clean-out of stuff in our basement. The garage is next. 

Why you are passionate about your job: At the end of every bank transaction, there is a person, family, or business being impacted. I’ve been doing this long enough to see people’s lives changed by doing our work well. Helping others is very motivating.   

When you have competing priorities (and, yeah, we know that’s usually ALL the time), how do you prioritize your priorities?My workday schedule is always full, but my priority is always given to serving the clients’ needs, whenever they come. Anyone asking me for help is the client.

What understanding among the general public is lacking about changes in the banking industry in the past decade-plus?There are massive changes occurring in our industry due to rapid technological changes, regulatory pressures, economic stress (sharp interest rate movement), unprecedented levels of fraud activity, and staffing concerns. We strive to manage this without impacting the customer’s experience.  

The next big challenge facing your industry:The speed of business. People expect immediate, accurate, and reliable access to their finances and data. Those financial service providers that have great products and services with the least amount of friction will be the winners.  

Biggest lesson learned in business: I get to talk with great businesspeople every day in this business. This includes bank clients and the professionals who run our company. A common thread is they all display an unwavering optimism to their goals no matter the circumstances.      

What you do for fun: I am a “YouTube certified” handyman and mechanic. I love the challenge of learning a new skill. I am also lucky to play in the Columbia Jazz Orchestra with a lot of very talented jazz players (cats).  

Who makes up your family: Gina (36 years married), daughter Camille (son-in-law Steve), and son Andrew. Three senior rescue dogs: Riley, Johnny and June (bonded pair). 

Favorite place in COMO:Anywhere on the MKT Trail but am always at Twin Lakes Park and the Forum Nature Area trail.   

Accomplishment you are most proud of: Gina and me raising our two children. They are both special people. The empty nest is overrated, but we deal with it.  

Most people don’t know that you: Spent 13 months at sea living aboard an aircraft carrier. Watching an F-14 take off at night at full after-burners is unbelievable. 

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