PYSK: Alex LaBrunerie

Title and company/organization: Investment Adviser/President, LaBrunerie Financial Services Inc. – the only locally-owned broker/dealer in mid-Missouri

Age: 50
Job description: Investment counseling, management of registered broker/dealer

Years lived in Columbia/mid-Missouri: Twenty-four recently, plus 18 of my youth

Original hometown: ColumbiaInterior

Education: St. John’s College, Santa Fe, N.M.

Community involvement: Asian Equity Research Institute Board chairman, MU Department of Economics Advisory Board, Museum Associates, R.A.I.N., Sacred Heart Church, Ragtag and KBIA underwriter

Professional background: Transamerica Life Companies, Los Angeles; IIT Financial Services, Denver; LaBrunerie Financial

A favorite recent project: Revitalization of an internship program at our firm

A Columbia businessperson I admire and why: My father, Ferd, who set a foundation of integrity in a business fraught with conflict of interest.

Why I’m passionate about my job: I’ve seen many of my clients reach their retirement and feel great satisfaction with what we have achieved together. Helping families prepare for their financial futures is fulfilling.

If I weren’t doing this for a living, I would: Play Major League Baseball.

What people should know about this profession: The most elusive skill necessary for this profession is learning to seek wisdom in a sea of information.

What I do for fun: Travel, family time, hike, read history and biography

Family: Wife of 28 years, Robin; son, August, age 20; and daughter, Lark, 18

Favorite place in Columbia: Peace Park. It’s a gateway between the town and its main institute of learning.

Accomplishment I’m most proud of: Convincing Robin Larkin to marry me.

Most people don’t know that I: Interned at the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles and accompanied mascot Sam

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