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PYSK: Jerome Rackers

InteriorName: Jerome Rackers

Title and company: Owner and operator, Lifestyles Furniture

Age: 45

Job description: I manage the staff, review and select (with staff) all floor stock, do the bookkeeping, plan and execute advertising and handle day-to-day operations.

Years lived in Columbia: 45. I was a Boone Baby.

Education: B.S. in marketing from the University of Central Missouri

Community involvement: Scout leader with Troop 4, Eagle adviser with Troop 4, former committee chair with Troop 4

Professional background: I began by selling cars at Legend Automotive following graduation in May 1991. Then I left there to take a service and delivery job with Lifestyles. Within three months, I began as assistant manager and then a couple of months later, manager. After three years as manager, my wife and I purchased Lifestyles in July 1995.

A favorite recent project: Transforming the lobby at Cumulus Radio stations. This was a great challenge because we were unable to change flooring and wall colors. It turned out great. I always like to make great transformations.

A Columbia businessperson I admire and why: I have a few: Kat Cunningham, who has such a great personally and always makes you feel welcome; and Dave Griggs, who is so involved in our community.

Why I’m passionate about my job: I enjoy talking with people; just ask my wife. I especially like helping clients find solutions to their home-furnishing needs. No two people need the same solution, and that makes my job different every day.

If I weren’t doing this for a living, I would: I think I would enjoy being in construction management. I have always loved building things.

What people should know about this profession: In retail it is an ever-changing environment. When you think you have it figured out, the rules change, and you need to change with them.

What I do for fun: I love to spend time at the Lake of the Ozarks with family and friends.

Family: Cheryl, my wife, who teaches fifth grade at Paxton Keeley Elementary School; Emily, my daughter, who’s a freshman at the University of Missouri and studying journalism; and Cory, my son, who’s a junior at Hickman High School with a passion for art.

Favorite place in Columbia: When you’ve lived in Columbia all your life, it’s hard to pick just one. This is the best place to live, work and raise a family.

Accomplishment I’m proud of: I’m proud of taking Lifestyles to the next level, purchasing the building at 63 E. Broadway and renovating it to create an environment for people to be inspired in when decorating their home.

Most people don’t know that I: I am very handy and have a knack for fixing things. I’m your resident handyman.

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