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PYSK: Adam Dubé

Screen Shot 2014-07-21 at 11.44.04 AMName: Adam Dubé

Title and company/organization: Head of School, Columbia Independent School

Age: 41

Job description: My role is to support our faculty, students and families through academic and strategic leadership and fundraising.

Years lived in Columbia/mid-Missouri: I just finished my first year. Previously, I lived here for nine years.

Original hometown: Cleveland, Ohio

Education: I did my undergraduate at the University of Missouri in classics. I also have an M.A. in education leadership from Columbia University in New York City.

Community involvement: Although I was able to volunteer at the Food Bank and the Boys & Girls Club Intersection this past year, I’m looking forward to getting more involved in this great community in the upcoming year. I’d love to get connected with other nonprofits.

Professional background: I like to tell the story that I was convinced I would become an attorney (I used to argue a lot), and my brother wanted to be a teacher. I went into education, and he’s now an attorney in Kansas City. It’s been such a great career, taking me to Seoul, Korea; New York City; Vail, Colorado; and now back to Columbia.

A favorite recent project: We recently received a very generous donation to create a new center focused on STEM education and entrepreneurship. I believe these skills are so important for young people and a perfect complement to our well-developed liberal arts education. Pairing the technical skills and knowledge associated with STEM education with the critical thinking, writing, communication and problem-solving skills that have been at the core of our program since the beginning makes me excited about the future of our graduates opportunities.

A Columbia businessperson I admire and why: In education, Dianne Lynch at Stephens College has really inspired me. I have been incredibly fortunate since arriving in Columbia to spend time with some amazing business leaders and am so impressed with companies such as MidwayUSA and Veterans United.

Why Im passionate about my job: Education is about improving our society and its institutions by educating and cultivating the hearts and minds of young people.

If I werent doing this for a living, I would: I’ve tried a couple of other things, but I always end up back in education. It’s as close to a calling as I can imagine. I did learn to surf a couple of summers ago. That would probably be my fallback at this point in time.

What people should know about this profession: Education is a field that is rapidly changing, and the challenges that teachers face are as great as ever, but so are the opportunities. I am privileged to work with amazing teachers and think we should all be more aware and supportive of their efforts; they pour their hearts and souls into what they do each day.

What I do for fun: Spending time with family is important. I also read a lot and enjoy cycling and running. My wife and I recently took up gardening, but I am thankful we have a privacy fence hiding our garden from what would be certain embarrassment.

Family: My wife and I have been married for 16 years. We have three children who attend CIS: a daughter, 12, and two sons, 10 and 7. We also have a cat and a very large Bernese mountain dog.

Favorite place in Columbia: Home. Shakespeare’s is probably second.

Accomplishment Im most proud of: I once completed a 110-mile bike ride while living in the mountains that included more than 14,000 feet of elevation gain. I trained for and completed the ride by myself. It was a good reminder that I will never be a pro cyclist.

Most people dont know that I:Served four years in the Marine Corps after high school. My wife and I are also pretty avid Star Trek fans, though not the dress-up-and-go-to-a-convention type.

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