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Chuck Bowman, President, Monarch Title Company

Job description:

Lead the organization by managing best business practices that will create an environment for growth; be the face of the company in dealing with all regulatory agencies, federal and state; provide training and tools so that our staff can excel and grow; attract and develop top talent; manage personnel, retention, marketing, strategic planning, and growth strategies.

Years lived in Columbia/Mid-Missouri:

Most of my life in Mid-Missouri and six years in Columbia.


Bachelor’s degree in business management from Harding University.

Favorite volunteer/community activity:

I’m passionate about helping people in general, which is why I volunteer to serve on a number of different boards in town: Job Point (past chair), Boys and Girls Clubs, Crimestoppers, and Missouri Land Title Association (2019 president elect). Volunteering for boards gives me the opportunity to serve with outstanding staff and volunteer board members who share a common belief that we have the responsibility, as leaders, to serve and give back to our community. I’m especially proud of our wonderful staff at Monarch Title. They spend personal time during the year raising funds for entities that need assistance.

Professional background:

I worked for an electric utility, which proved to be outstanding training for supervising people and managing projects. I’ve also worked as a project manager at a management services company specializing in property management and real estate services, and now I’m in the title insurance profession.

A favorite recent project:

One of the most time intensive but rewarding projects I led was to get Monarch Title certified in Title Insurance Best Practices, a standard set by the American Land Title Association. The certification audit was completed by a third-party CPA firm that reviewed seven pillars of the best practices: licensing, escrow account controls, information and data privacy, settlement policies and procedures, title production, errors and omissions, and consumer complaint resolution. This project was a very detailed activity that required coordination and input by all of our staff, especially the implementation of new software, policies, and procedures. Every pillar required a detailed written procedure and was audited by the CPA firm. We were one of the first in Missouri to achieve this certification. We believe it assures our customers that we meet the highest standards in our industry.

A Columbia businessperson I admire and why:

I could use an entire page for this because there are so many people that I admire. The two that come to mind are people who lead by example and give of themselves to help others in our community: Matt Moore, Shelter Insurance, and Joe Miller, First State Community Bank. I first met both when I was invited to serve on the Boys and Girls Club board, where they were both members. They are great leaders within their respective organizations, but more importantly, they’re passionate and caring leaders in our community. Someone once told me the best compliment you can receive is “You are a person of substance.” These two are certainly people of substance.

Why I’m passionate about my job and company:

I go to work every morning knowing that I get to lead multiple projects, manage amazing people, and set goals and strategies that make an impact on this community and our company. I enjoy working with our dedicated, hard-working, passionate staff. They keep me enthused and looking forward to each day. It’s what motivates me.

If I weren’t doing this for a living, I would:

Be on the beach, working at a resort. Come to think of it, I may still do that! But seriously: I would be working in the nonprofit area so I could make a greater impact in our community.
What people should know about this profession: People in this profession are very detail oriented, they have great people skills, they work long hours, and they meet with people who all need and expect our undivided attention. We talk with lenders, real estate agents, attorneys, buyers, sellers, third-party servicers. Every one of those is a part of every transaction, and we must be exceptionally customer oriented.

The next challenge facing my industry:

The one change coming in the near future — and what will be a challenge in securing non-public personal information — will be the ability to do remote closings. Say a couple buys a house and one of them is deployed for military service: We could do the closing with one spouse in our office and the other spouse remotely present via video feed on a secured website, and they could sign all the papers electronically in front of our closing staff. Lawmakers are working on legislation that will address this issue in the near future. We must make sure all the security features are in place to protect the parties we represent.

My next professional goal:

I’m always looking for expansion opportunities from within the title insurance business, management services business, or new entities in general. By the time this goes to print, we will have opened a new Monarch Title branch office at the Lake of the Ozarks, giving us a total of five offices — the other four are in Columbia, Boonville, Brookfield, and Jefferson City.

Biggest lesson learned in business:

Listen attentively, don’t speak just to be heard, and speak to add value.

How I would like to impact the Columbia community:

By continuing to share my time, expertise, and money so people can have a chance to fulfill their dreams and find success.

Greatest strength:

Always being positive, compassionate, and treating people with respect. And my ability to build strong interpersonal relationships, my good communication skills, and getting projects completed in any team situation.

Greatest weakness:

Absolutely zero patience for those who don’t accept and embrace change as part of our daily lives.

What I do for fun:

Fly-fishing, racquetball, tennis, golf, traveling, and anything outdoors!


I have the most remarkable, wonderful wife, Pam. She is truly my best friend and confidante. She is the one person who I can always depend on no matter the circumstances. Many of you reading this know her, and if she’s your friend, she’s a friend for life and one you can always depend on. We’re proud of our family: our son, Jake Bowman; our daughter, Brittany Montcalm; and our two grandsons, Bennett and Broxton.

Favorite place in Columbia:

I enjoy our home for relaxing after a busy week. My two favorite places to go eat are CC’s and Murry’s. (How’s that for free advertising?!) We live at Old Hawthorne and love it. I enjoy going to the Old Hawthorne gym to work out, play golf, or hang out with friends for dinner at the clubhouse. The staff at Old Hawthorne is fantastic!

Accomplishment I’m most proud of:

Being asked to be a mentor for several people during my career. None of us succeeds on our own; all of us can attribute our success to individuals that took an interest in our growth and success. Surrounding yourself with successful people that have good core values is a prerequisite for success. In addition, being invited by Maureen Dalton and the late Mike Dalton to come to work for Monarch Title Company is certainly an accomplishment I’m proud of. They are truly great people to know and work for!

Most people don’t know that:

In my mid- to late-20s, I traveled around the Midwest and played competitive racquetball. At least two weekends a month, I played in a tournament, and I won around 25 to 30 of them. I still enjoy playing, but I’m not as dedicated as I once was. CBT

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