Director of Finance and Chief Financial Officer
Job description
The director of finance serves as the City of Columbia’s chief financial officer and financial policy advisor to the city manager as defined by the city charter. Job duties include directing the finance department by overseeing the city’s financial planning, budgeting, purchasing, accounting, pensions, and other financial administrative functions.
Professional background
I began my professional career as an administrative intern for Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City in 2005. I was hired as a full-time staff accountant in 2006, promoted to a treasury accountant, and finally promoted to a treasury analyst. After receiving my MBA, I was hired by the City of Warrensburg in 2015 to be the director of finance and chief financial officer. In November of 2019, I was hired to become the director of finance and chief financial officer for the City of Columbia.
Kansas City, Missouri.
Years lived in Columbia
Two years.
Quote you live by
“If you don’t make mistakes, you’re not working on hard enough problems.” — Frank Wilczek.
Favorite volunteer/community activity
Scouting and Big Brothers Big Sisters.
Favorite recent project
Creating an ever-changing budget document for the city.
A Columbia business person you admire and why
Greg DeLine. He was the first person to reach out to me when I was chosen for my position, and he has a really great background story.
Why you are passionate about your job
Because I have strong beliefs in the way our city manages taxpayer funds. I get to teach others everything I have learned about finance and accounting, and I am constantly learning from others, too.
Why you are passionate about your company
I am passionate about the City of Columbia because there is so much opportunity to do good and affect change. I love that I am a part of making the city a better place by offering transparency and learning opportunities to whomever has an interest in city business.
If you weren’t doing this for a living, you would
Be a chef and own a restaurant.
What people should know about your profession
People should know and learn what taxes they pay, where their tax dollars go, and who benefits from them.
The next challenge facing your industry
Public entities now have to compete with the private sector for employees. In the past, governmental jobs relied on great benefits to win potential candidates over. We are now in a place and time where actual salaries matter more than the benefits to the majority of the job pool.
Your next professional goal
To attain a doctorate degree.
Biggest lesson learned in business
Be transparent to your stakeholders.
How you want to impact the Columbia community
Instill a level of trust in the community that the city will do the right thing with taxpayer dollars.
Greatest strength
Greatest weakness
Assuming people will do the right thing.
What you do for fun
Travel with my family. Our goal is to visit all 50 states.
I have a wife, Mrs. Alfreda Lue, and two wonderful kids: Marcel Lue, who is heading to college, and Adrianna Lue, who is heading to high school.
Favorite place in Columbia
Stephens Lake Park.
Accomplishment you are most proud of
Being a father.
Most people don’t know that you
Have competed in the American Royal BBQ contest.