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Randy Minchew

Vice President of Business Development, DeLine Holdings

Job description

I assist DeLine business entities and partners with development goals and strategies.

Professional background

General contractor and residential and commercial real estate rehab and development.


Houston, Texas. 

Years lived in Columbia

26 years.

Quote you live by

“To thine own self be true.”
— William Shakespeare.

Favorite volunteer/community activity

I love the work we do at Phoenix Programs and Grade A Plus. Both of these nonprofits provide great service to the people of our community.

Favorite recent project

I am beyond excited to be involved with Burrell Health and Phoenix Programs and the development of the new behavioral crisis center in Columbia.

A Columbia businessperson you admire and why

John Ott has done so much for The District in downtown Columbia. His efforts have been under the radar and without much fanfare but have benefitted Columbia greatly over the years.

Why you are passionate about your job

We have opportunities every day to make someone’s life better. I see that happen right before my eyes, and it is rewarding on so many levels.

Why you are passionate about your company

Our tagline at DeLine Holdings is “making a difference.” I believe we are doing that one person at a time.

If you weren’t doing this for a living, you would

I would spend even more of my time and resources to serve people struggling with chemical addictions. Statistics show that 87% of the patients coming through our emergency rooms are there due to drugs or alcohol and that 75% of the homeless community is addicted. I understand the addiction issue on a personal level.

What people should know about your profession

Business development means I spend my time serving the doers in our 12 different companies. I look for entrepreneurs and ventures our company might want to be involved with. 

The next challenge facing your industry

Employee compensation and retention has always been a challenge for most businesses. I believe these challenges will continue, but solving the communication gap between owners and employees will prove to be our next big challenge and those companies who solve that will flourish and those who don’t will not have enough employees to survive.

Your next professional goal

I want to continue to find and develop philanthropic opportunities in my role at DeLine Holdings.

Biggest lesson learned in business

I have learned business is more about relationships and helping people get what they need. I will get what I need if I help enough other people get what they need. 

How you want to impact the Columbia community

My next area of service will be at City Hall. I believe I see a way for our streets to be safer. City Hall can be more efficient, and our city employees can be better compensated. City Hall can assist and resource the local nonprofit community and educational institutions in dealing with issues related to underserved children and their primary education or secondary education and job training needs. City Hall can solve issues like trash pick-up or maintaining consistent utility service to all of its customers. I believe I see a way that I can lead City Hall to be more transparent in its day-to-day operations. 

Greatest strength

I love people.

Greatest weakness

I love people.

What you do for fun

I love spending time with my grandkids and playing golf.


I married Cindy Swift in 1980, and together we raised seven kids — four of our own along with two nieces and a nephew. Now we have sons in law, daughters in law, and seven grandkids. 

Favorite place in Columbia

Pick any golf course.

Accomplishment you are most proud of

My family. I can spend all day talking about them and their accomplishments in the community, jobs, kids, pets, and art projects.

Most people don’t know…

I grew up 45 minutes from Galveston and surfed the gulf coast for 25 years until we moved to Missouri. I still have my custom-made long board. I had hair that was as wide as my shoulders in the 70s. I have been clean and sober since 1975.

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