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Adulting is hard.

If this issue taught me anything, it’s that I’m doing everything financially wrong. HA!

Around 15 years ago, my soon-to-be-20-year-old son lost his first tooth. As I was in the middle of fulfilling my tooth fairy duties, with my hand under his pillow to retrieve the tooth, he sits up from a dead sleep and says, “Why are you stealing my tooth fairy money?” I was so flustered, I dropped the tooth and that thing has NEVER been found.

Is that who my children think I am?! Not the one who has loved and protected them since birth, but a tooth fairy money stealer?! HA! Okay sorry, but that story has stuck with me, and I had to share. Moving on. (Kind of.)

At 41 years young, I’m still living in the “treat yourself” mentality, and I just don’t see that ever changing. I’m stuck between “I need to save money,” and “You only live once.” 

Maybe someday I’ll jump on the Dave Ramsey train. But for now, I am who I am. I’m more of a swipe-and-pray kind of gal — so much so that I am kind of famous for the current state of my debit card. That thing has been used and abused and it shows. It’s a soldier that’s been through many battles. It’s been lost and left behind but has always pulled through.

My debit card is a conversation starter. No one understands how it still works. Everyone has questions (and concerns) when they see me pull it out. It’s become somewhat of a challenge I WILL WIN. I refuse to replace that thing before its expiration date in January. So close! 

Now that I have two children in college and am in the midst of planning my oldest’s wedding ­— maybe I wish I would have done things a little differently. Planned a little more. Saved a little more. But we live and learn. And it’s never too late. How lucky are we to live in a community with so many opportunities! This issue is packed full of financial opportunities. I personally was inspired by Central Bank’s ProsperU program. I now know who should be on my financial team. So maybe, just maybe, there is hope for me afterall. 

I have so many friends who are in the financial industry, and I am sure you are reading this and cringing. I guess if anyone is interested in a project, you know where to find me. 

Whichever side of “I need to save money,” or “ You only live once,” you find yourself on, I hope you enjoy this issue. For those savers out there, I am sure this may pique your interest more than the other side. And for the spenders… call me. 

I would love to hear from you! What should we talk about in upcoming issues? Feel free to share,

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