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Started from the bottom, now we’re here.

Our loyal readers and followers know that each issue of COMO Magazine follows a specific theme. This theme is mostly in place to keep our creative brains on track. They set some sort of parameters for the team and our processes. However, there are often stories that we cannot share due to “not fitting in the theme.” Hence, “The Everything Issue” was created to give us a space to share all the things. 

Since I do not have a specific theme or topic to discuss, I thought I would use this opportunity to reflect on the past: Where I have come from and where I am going, with a look back at some of my favorite stories and moments since joining the COMO crew. 

I have shared a little of my backstory in previous letters, but a brief catch-up: I was blessed to be able to be a stay-at-home mom for 14 years. Once all three of my kiddos were in school and I joined the workforce, my background has always been in healthcare. This job literally fell into my lap during a chance encounter with Erica Pefferman. I walked through the doors knowing absolutely nothing about this role. I was doing a lot of smiling and nodding, and then frantically googling what the heck things meant and what people were talking about. 

Funny story that I still hear about years later — “double truck.” 

In my first few days at COMO Magazine, I was smiling and nodding my way through a conversation about needing a double truck for an upcoming issue. In my brain I was thinking, “How in the heck am I supposed to find two matching trucks to get in the magazine?!” But don’t you worry … I would have made it happen somehow! Long story short, turns out a double truck is magazine talk for a two-page spread (insert eye roll). I look back at where I started, and where I am today, three years later — WOW. Anything is possible, friends! 

I truly cannot think of a more rewarding and fulfilling career
than being able to share so many amazing stories. 

I think most of my favorite moments come with our COMO events. The Impact COMO awards get me Every. Single. Time. So much work behind the scenes goes into these events. I read each and every nomination. I do my research. I learn so much about every individual. I think, “Surely I have seen and heard it all!” and by the time the event rolls around, I’ll be good. NOPE. I cry every single year.

Seeing their faces in person. Watching the joy and excitement. It makes every long day worth it. It is an annual reminder of why we do what we do. It will really humble a person.

I can’t even get started on “20 under 40” — the people, the friendships made, the magical event itself — that would require another page.

What stands out the most to me since my beginning is the relationships formed. I have had the opportunity to meet so many incredible people. The relationships within our COMO work family. The relationships in the community. I truly cannot think of a more rewarding and fulfilling career than being able to share so many amazing stories. 

Three years sure flies by when you are having so much fun. I can’t even imagine what the future holds, but I am so excited to find out! This magazine is for YOU, COMO! I would love to hear from you. What should we talk about in upcoming issues? Feel free to share,

Cheers to 100 more years!

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